Destination guitar lessons. Anthony thought it’d be a great idea.

“Where will you travel to?” asked Sheila, his sister.

“My first thought was the moon, but after considering the logistics involved in space travel, I’ve decided that the desert will work better,” replied Anthony, a confident grin on his face. “More affordable, but still a little bit otherworldly, ya know?”

“Nobody is going to pay you to drag them to the desert and teach them a D chord.”

Anthony scoffed and decided that listening to his sister would only get in the way of his execution. What did she know about marketing?

Brand differentiation. That’s always the key. In today’s market, you’ve got to be as niche as possible. Offer something nobody else has.

FIrst off, not many people were offering destination guitar lessons. Judging by his Google search, there were about five. And they were mostly former rock stars who invited people to meet up with them at famous recording studios. Far too typical thought Anthony.

Second off, nobody was offering lessons out in nature, especially not the desert.

Anthony would wear his cowboy gear and provide boots and a 10-gallon hat to each of his students. They’d sit by the campfire and practice tunes before spending the night under the stars. Wow. This idea was really coming together. A real package deal. He’d be able to set a premium price for such an immersive experience.

“Hello, Anthony?” interrupted Sheila. “I said nobody is gonna want to trek out to the desert and sweat their asses off, hoping some thick-fingered turtle will teach them to play campfire songs. Besides, you’ve only been playing for six months yourself.”

“I’m trying to get a return on my investment from those six months, Sheila. Jeez, you don’t know a thing about marketing.”

Sheila rolled her eyes, giving Anthony a dismissive wave as she walked away.

“Just cause you can’t see the future of guitar lessons doesn’t mean you have to give me all that sass Sheila. Wait and see Sheila. This idea is gonna be huge.”

Six months later, standing in front of his new Las Vegas storefront, Anthony takes a selfie and sends it to Sheila, adding in a text: Just added desert day trips to my lessons offering. Want to come down to the strip and sign up for a lesson, Sheila? I’ll give ya the family discount.